Sunday, September 16, 2007

Making comments on this blog

Okay, I changed a setting so that you all can use your own names to make comments on the site, if so desired. Click the "comment" link on the bottom right of any post for which you wish to make a comment. That will bring you to a comment window. Write your comment. Under "Choose an identiy", pick "other" and put your name in the space that comes up. Then simply click "publish your comment". That should do that trick.

Have a great day. Love you all. Mic


Anonymous said...

boy I need to proof-read things better before posting them. oops!

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone!

I tried to post a comment the other day but it doesn't look as though it got there. We are all doing well here in WV and the weather has been great. I've done a lot of hiking and have lost approximately 20lbs - sweat equity and starvation - Ha! Katie is settling in at Marshall University where she is studying Broadcast Journalism. We are repainting the interior of the house - Don't know why but we are! Ha!. I talked to Dad and Inga yesterday for the first time in a while and they are doing well it seems. I have talked to Karen and Leslie as well and occasionally with Herb and Tim. Everyone else seems to have somewhat disappeared so this Blog is a great idea. Thanks for putting it together - Maybe we all can keep in better communication. Love,

Michele Maddix said...

Hi Kev

I DID see an entry you made under the post titled "A message from Debbie" and posted a comment in response. Is that the one you are referring to? So far, it is you, me, Karen and Deb who have been putting comments on my posts. I am hoping more of the "clan" will start joining in. Great to hear all is well in your life. I am hoping it will eventually become a central place where each of us can learn about the others' lives, and read old anecdotes (of which you ALL have more than I when it comes to family, since I will always be the "baby". Ha ha ha!