Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'll be your victim

Recently, Chantelle introduced me to the series White Collar. I think I have died and gone to crime-fighting heaven! Matt Bomer (oops that n is right next to the m, hahaha! I'd like to slip him the n!) is such SERIOUS eye-candy! He has a bad boy/good boy duality to his character that is irresistible! He can perpetrate a "crime" against me anytime he wants. And then, solve it! HAHAHA!

I would never have seen this series if Chantelle hadn't shown me it. I love it because there is an underlying head-game going on beneath the surface all the time. So, it keeps you guessing. The two main characters, Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke (played by Tim DeKay) are constantly trying to out-do each other with their cunning, but usually one knows what the other is up to. They are like the same person in two different bodies. There is nothing more sexy than an intelligent man, except maybe two of them trying to outsmart one another.

Anyway, ladies, it is worth a view, if only for the drool session it elicits. Bomer is one hot number if you love dark-haired, bright, creative men with striking eyes. Oh, and the dimple on the chin is like the proverbial cherry on top! ;)

For your viewing pleasure I would have liked to post a video of the show from youtube, but they have all been removed for copyright protection. You can view the series on Netflix though.

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