Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Always a comedian in every crowd

The day after my 25th anniversary of doing the job I do, my lieutenant was charged with presenting me with my 25-year certificate (not visible because of being behind a cover letter in the holder) and pin (which isn't in the picture at all). But feeling there should be more pomp and circumstance to the event, we thought it was best to have the "Superintendent" do the honors.

We had a great laugh while arranging the "ceremony", but an even bigger one when we got a good look at the picture, that is, the placement of the "Super's" hand and the expression on my face.

I laughed until I had tears coming down my face!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Goodbye, Whitney.

It is so very sad that such a brillant talent as Whitney Houston is now gone from us. It is even sadder to see what brought her to this point. Here was a woman with the voice of an angel, who seemed to have the world at her feet. That is, until she could not give herself what see needed most of all, that "greatest love" she had sung about. To me, it was the most memorable song of hers and so sadly contradictory to her life. It had a beautiful message, yet one she felt incapable of living by. Goodbye, Ms. Houston.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'll be your victim

Recently, Chantelle introduced me to the series White Collar. I think I have died and gone to crime-fighting heaven! Matt Bomer (oops that n is right next to the m, hahaha! I'd like to slip him the n!) is such SERIOUS eye-candy! He has a bad boy/good boy duality to his character that is irresistible! He can perpetrate a "crime" against me anytime he wants. And then, solve it! HAHAHA!

I would never have seen this series if Chantelle hadn't shown me it. I love it because there is an underlying head-game going on beneath the surface all the time. So, it keeps you guessing. The two main characters, Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke (played by Tim DeKay) are constantly trying to out-do each other with their cunning, but usually one knows what the other is up to. They are like the same person in two different bodies. There is nothing more sexy than an intelligent man, except maybe two of them trying to outsmart one another.

Anyway, ladies, it is worth a view, if only for the drool session it elicits. Bomer is one hot number if you love dark-haired, bright, creative men with striking eyes. Oh, and the dimple on the chin is like the proverbial cherry on top! ;)

For your viewing pleasure I would have liked to post a video of the show from youtube, but they have all been removed for copyright protection. You can view the series on Netflix though.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Contain the Enthusiasm, Please!

Practically every Super Bowl Sunday I have to work. Sunday is a regular workday for me. So, unless I take some sort of leave, I am a captive audience for the Super Bowl testosterone that inundates the station.

I find it rather amusing how when the game is on the complaints drop down to next to nothing (most of the time...last night it didn't have it's full effect on our clientele). Interesting how you keep the male part of the population occupied with something as mundane as a sports event and half the world's problems seem not to exist. That does not say much for the male gender, now does it? The only other thing that keeps them that occupied is sex. You kind of have to feel rather sorry for them; some of them such simple creatures.

In order to endure the onslaught of the male hormone to my system on game day this year, I decided to bring in snacks to ease the pain. A rye bread bowl with spinach dip for the whooping and hollering, chipotle garlic dip and pretzels for the high-fiving and, the ultimate sedative, guacamole with tortilla chips to mitigate the overall racket.

Here is my game day face. Note the above "medications" in the background.

Phew, made it through another year. You would think that working around so many men would help me build up my tolerance for it. (Actually, I don't really mind it. My father and eight brothers were antibody enough for all of it!)

Oh wait...

and then there is the revelling! Gimme a beer! This is Bubba...