Friday, August 5, 2011

A visit to Rutland, Vermont

The day after my niece's wedding, Natelle, Debbie, Morigan, Karen, Chantelle and I went on a road trip to visit some family members: an aunt, an uncle and a cousin (and her family).

Here are a couple of photos of the day:

Debbie, Morigan, Chantelle, Brock Blanchard (my cousin's son), the little boy's name escapes me just now but he is the son of my cousin's other son Dustin, Natelle, Karen, Aunt Eileen Colarell(my dad's youngest sister), Uncle David Scott (my father's late sister Pat's husband) behind, the little girl is the sister to the little boy (her name escapes me too), my cousin Pam Blanchard, her son Dustin Blanchard (and father of the two kids) behind

All the same, except I'm in this between Natelle and Karen. And, my cousin's husband Jay Blanchard has the little girl on his shoulders.

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