Friday, August 5, 2011

A few days in Quebec City - Day One 8/1

So a new friend of mine, Isa (short for Isabel) Mengual Luna, who is from Murcia, Spain, and I went to Quebec City for 3 days (8/1-8/3).

At first when we arrived at the Hotel and Suites Monte Cristo, we thought that we had rented a room in some shady hotel. As it turned out the room was spacious, and clean and the beds comfortable (though I still didn't sleep well).

We arrived there not long after 2pm and checked in at the hotel. (Did I say how much I love my TomTom yet? It brought is right to the hotel with no problems.) The receptionist told us how to get to the old part of the city without having to use the TomTom. It was very easy. We had dinner there the first night at a place called Les Frere de la Cote. I had delicious lamb chops for supper that night.

Cheers to arriving safely and to an interesting stay in Quebec.

(sorry it's blurry)

Here are some street scenes

I love the flowers hanging from the windows...

and the winding streets and old architecture.

Around the old part of Quebec City are ruins from what they called the old Artillery. These are the arches and spires and cannons you'll see in these next pictures. And, there is a great view of the city from atop the walls.

Nice picture of Isa

another blurry one

neat shot, even if I do say so myself

You could take a carriage ride or ride on a trolley like conveyance pulled by horses too. The carriage ride was very costly. $80 for a half hour. I would have paid for one the following day, but I didn't want to use the cash I had for that and they didn't take credit cards. Still, someday I would like to take one. I think they could be very romantic with the right person and you get to see more of the city that way. Since it sits up on a steep hill, it is rough on the feet and legs to walk it all. And all around the city you see these big green water fountains. They are for the horses to drink from.

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