Monday, February 14, 2011

Mission accomplished

I finally did it. I had my hair cut to donate to Locks of Love. The length of the minimum donation is 10 inches. My donation, if you pull it enough to straighten out the curl, is 13 inches long. Not quite a year ago I decided to grow my hair to donate and at that point I had estimated that I needed about another 6 inches to go. Well, I've managed more than 8 inches' growth in that time. Not bad for less than a year, I'd say. I didn't think my hair grew so fast. So, here are the results. What do you think? I kind of have a love-hate relationship going on with the haircut. I love the way the sides and back look but the front does nothing for me. Although, I am having a bad hair day today.

I like the right side view the best

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