Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It Could Be This Way For You...

[...if you wanted it and had the courage to go the distance, to take that extra step. People think they need to settle for a relationship that follows all the "rules", or rather expectations, of how a relationship must develop. Too many of them are content to enter into states of humdrum co-existence with their significant other where sex, passion, deep love and commitment are elusive things that only a few can attain. Even more of them don't want to put the effort into making it spark! I love the story of Sting and Trudie. I consider it one of the best examples of how you have to put your heart, soul, mind and body into it fully with the one you love, or your relationship is doomed. And Trudie is absolutely right, you cannot take it for granted that someone will stay with you, if you don't show them with EVERYTHING you've got that you love them. The only demerit I give the interview is that it is not more elaborate (maybe there's more in the magazine). This is an article from Harper's Bazaar magazine and the link to its online source is below the article. Enjoy.]

Trudie Styler Talks Steamy Bazaar Photos, Lasting Love With Sting
By Rob Shuter Posted Feb 17th 2011 05:10PM

Sting and his beloved Trudie Styler caused quite a stir last month when they posed in some stunningly sexy positions for Harper's Bazaar, and now as she readies herself to perform with her husband on stage in the Schumann music revue 'Twin Spirits,' she sat down with me to tell her side of the story. The talented actress also reveals her secret for staying in love with the same person for 29 years.

Were you surprised by the response your Bazaar shot got?
The response has been very positive, especially here in the U.S. People appreciate our relationship. There were a couple of folks who didn't understand it, but they hadn't seen the pictures. It was a fashion shoot with an amazing photographer, Terry Richardson, and beautiful clothes -- I think they're great photos.

Does all the affection you guys show ever embarrass your kids?
I think they're probably used to it by now. I'm sure it's much more positive than having parents who show no affection, or who don't even seem to like each other. I'm happy if we're an example of how a relationship can work for many years.

Why do a lot of celebrity couples deliberately not talk about private lives (Beyonce and Jay-Z, Chris Martin & Gwennie)
Better ask them! I don't go out of my way to talk about our private life, but sometimes small things get blown out of all proportion. I don't really think the public REALLY knows anything about our private life –- they just think they do!

You are getting ready to perform with Sting portraying the love of Robert and Clara Schumann. Tell me about it?
I worked with John Caird, the director who devised this piece, in my 20s at the Royal Shakespeare Company, so he knew me as an actor. I also think the fact that a husband and wife are playing another husband and wife had a lot of appeal. We always perform the piece as a fundraiser, and I absolutely love doing it.

Is it strange reading love letters to the man you love in public?
Not really, and I think it adds layers of meaning –- we can identify with the Schumanns being in love with one another, and I always find it extremely emotional to play Clara because it is really a tragic story.

What's the secret to saying so in love?
I feel very lucky in my life because we do still want to be with one another after all these years, but I don't take it for granted. Perhaps that's important, not to take things for granted. Relationships are hard work, and I'm glad that we both still want to make it work.

(Source: http://www.popeater.com/2011/02/17/trudie-styler-sting-harpers-bazaar-twin-spirits/)

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