Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A real shoe-in for the perfect patient

Leave it to me to have funny things happen to at the most inopportune moments.

I showed up on time as instructed for 8am today for my carpal tunnel release surgery scheduled to begin at 9am. Shortly before 9, sitting in my designated pre-op room all dolled up in the ever-so-sexy hospital gown given me, I happened to look down at my feet with the most attention I had bothered to give them today and noticed I had on two different colored flipflops of the same style. I didn't even make an attempt to stifle my outbust of laughter because it was just so typically a Michele moment. Just then the doctor came in to mark my incision with the lovely, bright purple pen they keep strictly for that purpose and asked what I was laughing about. And when I showed her we both burst out laughing together. She then proceeded to tell me about her personal experience with wearing 2 different shoes at the same time. She told me that one morning she was trying on different shoes at home because she has plantar fasciitis (like me) and she was trying to decide which pair of shoes would least aggravate it that day. She got sidetracked and the next time she looked down at her feet that morning was upon entering the operating room to perform surgery on someone. As she is opening the OR door after scrubbing down, she burst out into laughter upon seeing her feet. She had on, not only 2 different colored shoes, but one was a Birkenstock sandal and the other one a flipflop. We burst out laughing again.

Now for the perfect patient part. While she performed the surgery she point out to the male nurse assisting her and the 2 other nurses in the room to look how my incision revealed a classic textbook case of carpal tunnel and that I was a calm patient (thankfully).

I give Dr. Pamela Reinhardt an A+++++++++++++ for excellent bedside manner.

(and me one for typing this with one had with my other one bandaged and throbbing)

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