Sunday, February 21, 2010

Classic Cher

Cher is woman one who has always enjoyed being edgy. I think it takes a strong person to step out of the box and be different. Besides her power-ladened voice and her obvious charisma, it is the one thing that draws me to her music. Her eccentricity, if you will, reminds me much younger performers: Pink and Lady Gaga. They both push the envelop just as Cher has done and I like that. Stick yourself out on a limb and be different than the crowd around you. And there are many ways to do that; you don't have to dress in almost nothing and cake on the make up. Just be creative and stand your ground.

Cher - If I Could Turn Back Time

Pink - Please Don't Leave Me (I think this video is comical with its take on the film Misery.)

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance (as bizarre as they come!)

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