Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Retirement looks good on you!

Mary, at her retirement bash with her new 'do' that I think (as do many others) looks ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS on her!

Receiving a pin and a letter written by the Superintendent for her 25 years of untiring service to the Division and presented by Lt. Chuck Potthast

The couple of the hour. They retired together (well a few weeks apart) and had a joint party. There was a great turn out too! Mary and Dana are wonderful people and I am glad to be counted as one of their friends.

Maxine Perry with Mary. The two of them met through their meetings as members of the Domestic Violence Task Force. Incidentally, Maxine was also a very good friend of Myrtle's.

Mary, Morgan, Danielle, Casey and Dana

I couldn't decide which of the following two pictures was the better, so I put them both.

My only disappointment of the night, was that I didn't have anyone take a picture of me and Mary together. What WAS I thinking?


Anonymous said...


You don't realize how surprised I was to recognize someone in your picture...Dana and I went to high school together!!! Don't know if he remembers me but I definitely recognized him even before I saw his name. With your first post of Mary I didn't think anything of the name; but then saw her with Dana and everything clicked. Tell him I say hi!

Heading to DC area a week from Sunday...will be attending a conference there. Hope to visit with a friend of mine there while I'm there...he was the one that hired me at Plattsburgh AFB 20 yrs ago (I just got my 20 yr pin...oh yea!). It's hard to believe it's been that many years; doesn't feel like it. Anyway, we had kept in touch for most of that time; but lost contact over the last 6 yrs. I heard from him out of the blue a few months ago. So we're going to get together when I'm in DC.

Before you and Karen head out in May, I'll be in a conference in Atlanta. I might take a couple of days to go see Dad and Inge...if I can. I would spend a whole week with them if I could but not sure I can take all that time and then more when you and K come. Oh yea, I think my girls are coming the same week you two. Hope you don't mind; think it will be fun. Take care.

Michele Maddix said...

I will surely tell him. I seem to recall him mentioning you, Kev and Herb (Bert, as he remembered) in one conversation he and I had years back.

The two of them are just wonderful people.

Mind? I haven't seen the girls in some time, so heck no I don't mind. The more the merrier. So it will be us 5 ladies? Uh-oh! Look out London and the rest of England too! LOL

Michele Maddix said...

One important thing more... 20 years YOO HOO!! I can't remember if you told me that was the magic number for retirement eligibility or was it 25. Congrats on that milestone, Deb. It is quite an achievement. I know I look back on my years at work and wonder where all the time has gone. I remember walking into Canandaigua station and then a year later into Plattsburgh and wondering what I did to myself taking that job! Now a seasoned veteran at it, I garner a level of respect I never thought to gain.

Michele Maddix said...

Hey Deb. I had lunch with Mary last Friday and she said she would tell Dana you recognized him. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mic! I always thought he was a nice guy! Well I'm off to DC on Sunday...for a week. Will try to call from there.