Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Additions to the Family

Okay, so I got your attention...these new additions might not be what you had in mind but I'm pretty proud of them...they are antiques I have just acquired. The cat (Tonto) and the Peacocks are just homesteaders at the antique place. The trumpet will be used to announce my arrival everytime I go somewhere when I get back to the US...Michele, if you play it right you may even blow the horn! :)


Michele Maddix said...

Oh goodie...I finally get to blow someone...oops someTHING! (insert mischievous grin here)

I love your choice of antiques. You have very similar tastes to the things I like. The pieces are really beautiful.

The cat and the peacocks are pretty.

Michele Maddix said...

You can just OWN a peacock over there??

Michele Maddix said...

Ha first I thought you got a cat and a peacock! how funny!