Sunday, February 22, 2009

A fond farewell (Did you think you'd escape the "Mad Blogger"?)

Yesterday marked the final day of work for my co-worker of 21 years and very close friend, Mary Dupell. She has been, and very much still is, a loyal and caring friend to me. She has been a rock during my many trials (good pun, huh?). Mary was there for me when my mother passed away (which just happens to be Mary's birthday too). I remember not being able to sleep the night before leaving to go to North Carolina for my mother's funeral. Mary was working an overnight shift on desk at the station. Since I couldn't sleep I drove to the station. She hugged me, let me cry through my grief and listened to my pain.

Mary has been right there rooting me on throughout this long journey of my educational pursuits. Mary was among my friends in attendance to see me graduate from Plattsburgh State with my Bachelor's degree. And she says she will be there for each upper degree to come.

She has shown me by example how to be steadfast and consistent in my efforts to be a person of integrity, honesty and industriousness. I have improved as a person as a result of having her in my life, for she has touched it with a uniqueness that only she possesses.

I consider myself blessed to have Mary as my friend and confidant.

Mary, congratulations on your retirement, my dear friend. It has been a long and arduous road for you, which you met with perseverence and determination, never letting anyone tread on your values. And although by many there your true worth has gone unappreciated, know that there are those who consider you an exemplary person and a fine police officer.

Okay...I made myself cry writing this...I'm such a sap...but you know me, Ms. Waterworks!

So to lighten up the ambiance a bit, here are some pictures to enjoy:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Adventures in Weight Loss

Back on January 9th, Amy Gallagher (a co-worker) and I decided to start our own mini version of The Biggest Loser. I think she is sticking mostly to calorie counting, whereas I am following, more or less, the Weight Watchers plan. Regardless we have both taken to consuming the recommended daily amounts of water one's body needs all the time, and which are particularly important in the weight loss process. However, I am convinced that it has morphed into a contest to see who can make it to the bathroom first each day we work together, since we seem to be competing in the Olympic version of the 20-meter Bathroom Dash:

While driving up the Northway this past Friday, coming back from classes at UAlbany, I passed a rest area I probably should have visited. It was at that moment that I imagined my bladder looking forlornly at the rest area as 'wee' (hahaha) passed it by. Poor little fella! I made myself laugh so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks..and was in danger of peeing my pants. Needless to say I made haste to the next available pitstop.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some sage advice

This past week I had a conversation with the professor who has been most helpful to me in my pursuit of my Masters degree, Joana Sabadell-Nieto. She is from Spain, particularly from Barcelona (Spaniards tend to identify themselves more by the city or region they are from than by calling themselves Spaniards. And Spain is not unique in this. Conversely, we from the U.S. tend to identify ourselves by the nation we come from rather, or at least much more often, than by saying, for instance, I'm a New Yorker.) At any rate, our conversation entailed a semi-lengthy discussion of the upcoming exam. Joana has been my advisor for the past two years, and the responsibility of advisement for graduate students has recently changed to another professor in the department, which is a customary occurrence there every couple years give or take. However, being the dedicated person she is, Joana thought it best to tell me a few things, which were instrumental in my making the decision to postpone taking the exam yet another semester. First of all, the two individuals that took the exam last Fall must retake the exam in April since neither of them passed the exam. Yikes! For them, it is the second of 2 chances you get according to departmental policy. Joana felt this was due to a lack of proper preparation, though. I told her that that frightened me and she said it ought to and proceeded to tell me that if I have not dedicated myself to a minimum of 4 months solid study for this April exam, practically to the exclusion to everything else, then I should seriously consider postponing it. She said she is certain I will do well, IF I am well prepared.

In the two years I have known her, we discussed Myrtle being sick and she knew I felt close to her. She was also aware of Myrtle's passing, as I missed the last 2-3 weeks of her class last semester. So, I strongly believe she had taken this into consideration when advising me to consider postponing the exam once more (knowing I probably hadn't been able to concentrate much), so that I would have the majority of the summer to study without also having to be concerned with coursework and with the event of Myrtle's death becoming slowly but surely less painful with time. She also told me that she thinks I am too hard on myself, since I was dismayed at the thought of postponing it even longer. She said there is nothing wrong with that, especially if it will enable me to do a GOOD exam as opposed to a mediocre one the first time around.

She had previously advised me on other very important academic requirement matters in the past and has helped me correct some serious detriments in my transcript by way of facilitating my changing two E (failing) grades that were on it to W (withdrawals), negating the detrimental influence they would have on my ability to graduate with the masters and possibly proceed with the PhD. The first semester was the Fall of 2005 and things weren't exactly going smoothly between Jon and I after the divorce that March, so I had taken 2 Incompletes that semester and then the professor (I had the same guy for both classes that semester) left the university the following semester to go onto bigger and better things, so I couldn't make up the Incompletes and they automatically converted to E's

Truly she has gotten to know me well. And I find it very thoughtful of her to advise me of the most recent matters pertaining to the exam, despite the fact that she is no longer officially my advisor. She also alluded to me that despite the policy of 2 opportunities to take the exam, it is MUCH MORE favorable to take a good exam the first time around. Consideration for admittance in the PhD component truly rests with this point.

So, this summer, as she suggests, will be dedicated to an "obsessive" (a word she could not emphasize enough!) round of study for the exam, save 9 days vacation in England at the end of May and my 40 hr/wk at work. Whoo hoo sounds like I will be having a exciting summer, huh? :)

Monday, February 2, 2009


Several months ago, my friend Kathy spent the night at my place. I was either at work or down in Albany for school that evening. Being the very good friend that she is, she decided to do me the favor of vacuuming my apartment for me. Prior to that she had laid out her clothing, including her "unmentionables", for the next day. The latter being laid out in the bathroom in preparation for her morning shower before going to work herself.

That same evening, I received a phone call from her in which she explained how she had inadvertently sucked up a pair of said unmentionables in the vacuum and that they were stuck in the hose. After several failed attempts by her, and later by me, to remove the "obstruction", I needed to resort to purchasing of a new vacuum. I bought a bagless version this time.

However recently this new vacuum ceased to suck! :) (Or, rather, it REALLY SUCKS! LOL). So I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands and perform the much needed and long-awaited surgical procedure on my old vacuum, which is the title of this post. I am happy to report that the procedure was performed without complication,

the obstruction removed

and the patient

is doing superbly, being instantly restored to full and strenous duty. Miraculous!

This procedure could not have been possible without the innovative technology of this versatile surgical tape

I knew that event would supply humor for years to come... LOL :)