Friday, October 17, 2008

Autumn in NY 2

On the way to Vermont a week ago today I took some pictures of the lake and the surrounding foliage and wanted to share them. It was a very sunny, mild day and some of the pics came count really well.

This is one of 3 trees that are in the front yard of the house I used to own with Jon at 35 Macey Lane. I took this last Sunday, and by yesterday, almost all the leaves were off of it. They are so pretty in the fall. Each of them is a different variety of maple. I used to love raking them in fall and hear them rustle as I walk through them. I still love that sound and whenever I have a chance to walk through a bunch of fallen leaves I take it...the big kid in me!

Lake Champlain Ferry dock on Vermont side. I thought the Green Mountains in the background were neat.

I wasn't trying for this picture but when I loaded it on my computer I saw how beautiful it was. Isn't it gorgeous?

The Adirondacks in the background and Clinton Community College left side of picture (beige building, red roof)

Close up of Clinton Community College (not really clear, but passable) and the various shades of the mountains in the background are really cool.

New York side of lake. On the peninsula you see on the right there is an historic light house to the right of the second house in from the end of the peninsula. I hadn't noticed it was in the pic until after having loaded in on the computer.

I am pretty sure this is of the VT side and the Green Mountains

NY side. CCC in the center.

Just some foliage on the peninsula

The Vermont, one of the Lake Champlain ferries. I just thought it was a nice clear, centered picture.

I liked how cleary you can see this little dude.

Yet another unplanned, but cool pic of the sun above/on the lake

Canada Geese. This time of year you can also see large flocks of Snow Geese. It is funny because when they are lying in a corn field or on the surface of a body of water they look like plastic grocery bags from a distance lying there. I'll try to get a picture of them.

Before going over to VT, since Al's orthodontist appt was pretty early, we stopped at McDonald's for breakfast and here's some video of the lakeshore area behind it.


Anonymous said...


Wonderful photos...thanks so much for posting them. It really brings home back to me...thanks for sharing!!

Have to tell you all if you get a chance to see so, it's wonderful! I hope to go again. The costumes, the set, the songs and the singers/actors...all fantastic! When you all come maybe we can see it, or at least another show in London.

Have to do some work...but will be in touch soon. Thanks again for all the wonderful fall shots and the unique proposal!


Michele Maddix said...

glad you liked the pics and that you enjoyed Wicked. That sounds good: seeing a show in London.

oh...check your email Deb. someone (that I don't know) who saw this blog found that song you were looking for and I emailed you the link.
