Friday, October 17, 2008

Something to celebrate this Fall

The friends I stay with down in Troy when I am down in the Albany Capitol Region for school are Dan and Laurel. They have been super friends to me and have afforded me a place to sleep free of charge on the nights I have to stay down there for class. I cannot begin to offer them a sufficient amount of thanks. God has truly blessed me by putting them in my life.

This past Wednesday when I went down, I first went to their house to leave my belongings before going to class so that I wouldn't have to do it afterward. Dan was there and told me that the previous night he had proposed to Laurel. He came up with a very creative and, in my opinion, very romantic way of asking her. Nice to know that romance is still alive and well out there. And here it is:

Laurel loves pumpkins and Dan certainly used that to an advantage, I'd say. They are such nice people and a nice couple and I am very fortunate to have them in my life. I wish them much, much happiness!

And here is a pic of the couple with Dan's creative proposal...

Well, I tried to load that picture, but it would not load. So you'll just have to wait to see Dan and Laurel, I guess.

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