Sunday, October 5, 2008

Autumn in New York

Here are some pictures of the foliage in the North Country. When I drove up toward that direction it was pretty sunny, but by the time I got there (only 1/2 hr away), it was cloudy. I will try to get some more, on a prettier day. Enjoy

Here's Frank Sinatra to give you some listening pleasure while you look at the photos.

Autumn In New York - Frank Sinatra

Taken from the Narrows Bridge over the Narrows between Upper and Lower Chateaugay Lakes (Town of Ellenburg, NY)

Boat Launch at Upper Chateaugay Lake (Town of Dannemora, NY)

Lyon Mountain, NY

Chazy Lake (in the Town of Dannemora, NY) and its environs


Anonymous said...

Mic -

Those are great pictures! I forget just how much I miss New York in the autumn. While the abundance of trees here in the Seattle area are evergreens, there are places not far away where you can see those colors, too. Very nice.

I thought I'd let you guys know that Brunswick Corporation has decided to close its boat-bulding plant and divisional headquarters in Arlington, WA by the end of December 2008. In other words, I get to conduct a job search all over again. How discouraging...I was really liking this job, too.

More to follw.


Keith, Tracy, Brendon & Nathan

Michele Maddix said...

Thanks, Keith. Sorry to hear about the closure. You'll land something, I'm sure.

How's the family?

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

Loved the photos too, Mic! Reminds me of "apple crunching" time and having leaves falling all around. Love the Fall in NY!! Michele, hope is well with you and the kids, as well.

Keith...sorry to hear about the job too...on to bigger and better things! You always seem to end up in something else you enjoy...just think of it as another "quantum leap!" How are the little men doing? I imagine they keep you both very busy.

Been really busy here lately...but I am taking a little time to go see the play Wicked down in London. I can't wait. I will report back later on my thoughts about it...

Also, I've tentatively scheduled some leave next year around Dad's birthday...perhaps others will be able to come too. It's hard to believe he'll be 89!

Well...have to go write some's a 3 day holiday weekend and all I've done is work! Ugh!

Take to all, Debbie

Michele Maddix said...

Looks like the blog may be reviving after a bit of a rest, huh?

Keith, if you get any free time, maybe you can post some recent pics of the family.

Deb, sorry you seem to have so much work to do, but glad to hear you are giving yourself a break. And it sounds like a good one. Wicked, huh? Apropos for the upcoming holiday, sounds like.

Sorry I backed out on my tentative plans to meet you at dad's for Thanksgiving. But it is best I am close to home.

Myrtle has gone through all the chemo there is for her to go through. There is nothing else they can do to deter the further growth of the cancer. She is in constant pain now and tires very easily. I hope she is here with us for the holidays, but that may not be. I had with her the adult woman relationship that I wasn't able to have with Mom because of illness and her own death. For 18 years I was a part of that family and she and I got along very well. So it is a very difficult time right now for me, the kids and their family.

I gave her a set of prints of all the pictures I took when the kids and I were there to visit you and she really is enjoying them. I figured it would give her something to take her mind off of the inevitable.

This past weekend Chantelle and I went over to put Halloween candy in the little treat bags she likes to give out at Halloween. She enjoyed that, although she had to stop several times to rest even just doing that little bit of exertion. Poor woman.

So I am trying to find more time to spend with her. I leave it up to her, since she knows if she feels well enough to have company around or not.

Well, take care and hope to see more posts soon. Love you guys. Mic

esotronika said...

Cool photos; thanks for posting them up here.