Friday, June 20, 2008

My friend Bobby

Here's the photo I promised...the Bobby was cute...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A few more for you to enjoy

A few more along the parade route

More of the Queen & I

Celebrating with the Queen & Company

Hi All,

Well, of course you know I went on another adventure...London this time. On Saturday it was the Queen's birthday celebration so you know I had to be there...just to see the princes, if nothing else. Also, saw the Queen, Prince Philip, Charles & Camilla, his younger brother, Prince Edward and Sophie, Princess Ann (on horseback), and "lord" knows who else! After the parade of many colors (and horses) we stood in front of Buckingham Palace where the Queen and family came out on the "famous" balcony and watched the many flyovers with us...some of which I've posted.

After the parade we went to a nice place for lunch and then made our way back home on the partners in crime were 3 other ladies from the base. It was really fun and I look forward to going next year again.

Hopefully you enjoy the photos and love to my family members who find their way into the blog.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Some photos with Myrtle


At Myrtle's and John's house

At Myrtle's and John's house


Thursday, June 5, 2008

two ways to add video

Of the two ways to add video to the blog (YouTube or directly to Blogger), I think they are both good. The advantange I see in putting them on YouTube first and then embedding them here on the blog is that it seems YT's system allows up to 10 minutes of video time and seems to be able to upload and process the video files better. With either way, though, large videos take FOREVER to upload. As a matter of fact I had tried to upload the video of my apartment directly to Blogger (instead of embedding the file from YT like I did before) and it didn't work at all. I had begun uploading it yesterday morning and by this morning it still had not loaded. In fact all I got was an error on the page. However, with the very small video I just posted, the wait was not long (5 minutes, if that). You guys should try it. It is slightly more involved to do it on YouTube, but if I can figure it out, anyone can. On this Blogger site you add video like you add pictures only you click the little film strip icon instead of the still pic icon, browse and find the file you want to add, put a name on the video (same screen as when the browse comes up), and upload. Beneath the posting box you can see the progress of number of MB as the video loads.

p.s. pardon the disheveled look in that video. rough week. Jon's mother has cancer and is in the hospital presently, and unless this last course of chemo works a miracle, her time left will be very limited (a few weeks tops). we haven't told the kids yet, and they presently do not have access to the blog (although I am certain they can perceive the gravity of the situation without being told). we should know in just a couple of days if this course of chemo is having any effect on the cancer. Myrtle has full presence of mind, and in fact she was making jokes yesterday when we went to see her. I have always been very close with Myrtle (she is one of the most amazing women I have ever met), even after the divorce fallout settled. And although this happening is no surprise, and I am trying my best not to break down in front of the kids, the grief is tremendous.

testing blogger's video adding feature

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Photos of (Unca) Keith & Family

Hi Again!

We hope you all enjoy these latest pictures of our little family. They've all pretty much been taken in the past three weeks; that is, since Nathan was born. Our apologies for any images of bleary-eyed, unkempt parents...we reserve the right to trump any objections to this content with the "parents of a newborn" card.

Enjoy! Love,

(Unca) Keith, Tracy, Brendon and Nathan