Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Trip to Scotland

Hi All!

Trying to upload some photos from my trip to Scotland.

Love to all, Debbie


Michele Maddix said...

I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! Thanks Deb. Once you get the hang of it, you'll be posting with ease!

I love the picture. I MUST show it to Chantelle. She asked me the other day, while I was driving her to the house from her class if we'd be going to Scotland while over there. She said she wanted to see guys in kilts, but only if it wasn't windy. HA HA HA! I said to her "Oh, please! Can't it be windy for ME?" She said that if that were the case then she'd get to drop a penny off the Eiffel Tower if we went to Paris (to test the myth that a penny dropped from that height would kill a person). I said no. Then she said "Then no windy Scotland day. I told her "That's okay. It doesn't need to be windy. I will just wear really shiny shoes and stand really close to the guys with the kilts."

I could see her in my rearview mirror, trying to figure that one out. Then it dawned on her and she got grossed out. Oh ha ha ha ha!
We had a good laugh about it.

Thanks for posting the pic.

Anonymous said...

The guy on the left looks like Hagrid from the Harry Potter movies!

P.S. Nice one, Mic!