Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2nd attempt - Edinburgh Castle


Michele Maddix said...

that is really cool, Deb! can you go inside of it?

Michele Maddix said...

The pics are awesome, Debbie. Keep 'em comin'! Love you!

Michele Maddix said...

When I first saw this picture it was on a computer whose monitor was on the dark side and the details were not clear. I really love the pigeon on the horse's head. Nice touch.

Anonymous said...


The castle, as most in Great Britain are accessible...I'll post some photos from the inside looking out over Edinburgh...glad you are enjoying my posts...just so you know, Scotland is a 8-10 hr drive from where I live; we went by train by I'm sure Ryan Air or Easy Jet go there too. Something to think about. Love, Me

Michele Maddix said...

There was a comment posted by someone with the screen name puppylove. I don't know who that is. If it is someone who is associated with the family, state your identity. If it isn't, then thank you for the comment, but please don't post anymore.