Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sweet Memories

Hi All!

I recently got to thinking of certain kinds of candies from when we were kids and I wanted to reminisce with you about a few.

Sweettarts were one of Les' favorites and it dawned on me recently that I don't recall the last time I had a SWEET Sweettart. All you can seem to get nowadays are the tart ones. Maybe I am wrong, since I am by no means a connaisseur of Sweettarts, my preference being as it is for chocolate. I remember Les also liking Mallow Cups, which, in turn, led me to memories of my beloved Squeakie!

For those of you who don't remember the dearly departed Squeakie, he was a chocolate covered marshmallow candy I received at Easter one year. We were still in the house on Rt 3 then. When I opened the package, my very young eyes beheld what appeared to look like a little chocolate marshmallow mouse (the candy was slightly misshapen and looked like one to me). I could not eat the sweet little guy, so I named him Squeakie and put him in the freezer "to save him forever". But, alas, one day when the freezer was being cleaned out, I think I was given the ultimatum to throw him out or eat him. In the reasoning of a small child I weighed my options and decided to eat him, as that would "keep him with me forever" (or that is how I imagined I handled the dilemna).

At work the other night a coworker had brought in some candies called German Cola Bottles. He had been sent them by a relative stationed in the military in Germany. They are similar to Gummy Bears, but slightly tougher. They instantly reminded me of Wine Gums. Those of you who lived in Toronto will remember these. And from Wine Gums my mind went to MacIntosh Toffee. The latter two candies I have always intended to look for on trips to Montreal, but have never remembered to do so. I wonder if you can order them online somewhere.

Well, have to run Chantelle to school now. Sweet memories, All!

Love, Mic


Anonymous said...

Hi Michele!

Good memories! I remember incessantly kidding you about "Squeakie"...never did quite understand the attraction! :)

Candy I remember,Hmmmm...Necco wafers, Teaberry gum, fireballs...never really was much of a sweettarts person or chocolate for that matter!! Remember those nasty marshmallow chicks we'd get at Easter too...gave me chills just to bite into them...although I always did!

Those wine gums I can get over here if you and probably the toffee...we are close to Scotland! Maybe I'll surprise you.

This weekend I'm going to visit Aunt Jeanne's penpal up near should be fun. Three of us are going, will spend the night and then proceed to the Lake District...a neat place from what I've heard. In February I'm going to see the opera, Madam Butterfly...never been to an opera but it will be enjoyable.

Well hope everyone is well. Right now I have 2 business trips planned to the states, one in Jun to San Antonio and one in August to Massachusetts...I'm going to try to add a week after that to come visit you all in Plattsburgh. The girls are coming here for a visit in early May and I hope for all of us to get to Ireland. Lots of things to do over here.

Love to all, Debbie

Michele Maddix said...

I actually liked the Squeakie teasing. It was sort of a homage to the little guy! (And, you know, my propensity for attraction to dark men must have started with him...HA HA HA!!)

I would love the wine gums and toffee. How awesome!

Yeah, those chicks are still around. I think those are Peeps you are talking about. They started out as chicks, but now they have expanded to all shapes and colors to match various holidays. I even saw black ones for Halloween. The grossest candy I remember at Easter were this oblong candies (they were supposed to resemble eggs, but I pity the chicken that would lay one that shape), roughly the size of a thumb. They were assorted pastel Easter colors on the outside (that color seemed to be painted on because i remember being able to spread it around on my lips like lipstick when it got moist; the only thing those candies were good for). The inside was all white and sort of hard and chewy at the same time. In texture, they were kind of like chewing a slightly softened Tums and just as gross! Ewww! I never see them anymore. Thank goodness! No one should deceive a kid like that, expecting to bite into some tasty piece of candy and getting that instead! ha ha ha

When is your trip in June? Did I give you the dates we'd be over yet?

Enjoy all your excursions and the opera. I've never been to one either, but someday... There is some opera music I just love. I don't understand many of the lyrics, but it is very pretty to listen to nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

You're right Mic, that candy you mentioned HAD to be the worst ever...all sugar and no matter what color.

My trip to TX is the 1st week of June. The last I remember you all were coming the end of Jun to Jul...if you have the exact dates that would help a lot...I've tentatively plan the week of 30 Jun off...just let me though and I can adjust.

Well, have to's Natelle's birthday and I have to give her a call.

Take care! Love you!


Anonymous said...

Hi again!

I added some comments to the New Years blog too!


Michele Maddix said...

Deb, I will email you about the trip dates.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.