Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Other Scotland Photos


Anonymous said...

I tried to turn this upright but I guess I don't have that figured out yet.

I have some photos of Aunt Jeanne's friend that I'll post this weekend. I had a great visit with her and plan to go back.

Love to all, Debbie

Michele Maddix said...

How wonderful!

What I had to do after I downloaded some of my pics from my camera into windows was to rotate it and save it again with a slight adjustment to the file name. So essentially you'll probably have 2 of the same picture saved in your My Pictures (one sideways and one upright with a new file name). Get it?

Michele Maddix said...

Hey, I wonder how savvy Aunt Jeanne and Aunt Bonnie are with computers. Maybe they would like to come log at the blog and post comments (or more). Or for that matter, how about Aunt Eileen. I wonder how they all are. Do you have regular contact with them all?

Michele Maddix said...

i meant LOOK at the blog. tired.

Anonymous said...

I've tried calling and e-mailing Aunt Jeanne and Aunt Bonnie...they used to check their e-mail although the time. I believe Aunt Jeanne recently had some troubles with a hip surgery she just went through. I'm going to print the pictures and send her and her friend here copies.

Michele Maddix said...

I am sure Aunt Jeanne will love the pictures. What a nice thing to do for her, going to see her friend and all.