Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Friends


As I mentioned I recently visited South Yorkshire to meet Aunt Jeanne's penpal...they've known each other for at least 60 years. Mrs Beryl Clerehugh had some really nice stories to share with me about her visits to Texas and other areas of the US and Aunt Jeanne's visits to London. The other lady in the photo is a friend of Mrs. C...her name is Betty. Both really wonderful folks and who I plan to visit again in the near future. Before Christmas I also met Ms. Clerehugh's daughter, Yvonne and her husband Andrew who live in Norwich. I can't wait to write to Aunt Jeanne and send her some photos.

I've posted a couple of photos I think you'll enjoy.

Love to all who are reading this and (hopefully) enjoying my adventures!

Love Debbie


Michele Maddix said...

I got rid of the comment from the unknown source, Deb. If they cannot properly identify who they are I don't respond or click any links associated with the comment(s) they make. That's my over-cautious side kicking in. :)

Michele Maddix said...

It is very lovely. Is that her home? I love all you've posted, Deb.