Saturday, August 26, 2017

Migration of Thought

To balmy clime from wintery grip
You’ve traveled to and fro
And every time you made the trip
My heart would follow so

Back and forth your venturing
Had wisened the naïve
Thus assuaged indenturing
My heart upon its sleeve

You travel where I cannot pass
You also form duration
Of moments when I must amass
My heart for new migration

As I Sojourn

Turn a corner, see anew
Perspectives I’ve been wasting
Let the flavors then accrue
A sample for my tasting

Honored Guest

Hello, step in, and sit right down
Glad to have you come around
Let me offer you a drink
A bite to eat, now, let me think

When was the last we had a chat
A little talk of this and that
It seems forever since we spoke
Or shared a tale, a laugh, a joke

We’ve fallen out of touch it’s true
Time for a coffee or a brew
Please let me make just one request
To finally be your honored guest

Mi vida eres tú

Looking through old photos
I can’t stop the flow of tears
As I see you less and less
Throughout the passing years

I can only sit and wonder
How your life goes on sin mí
And every day’s an exercise
In life without esprit

When will come our moment
To make one life from two?
When will you finally realize?
Mi vida eres tú

Upon a Swell

What could it be that you possess
It captives, I must confess
A turn of phrase, a shift of thought
The gale in which my soul is caught

Your word reflects an ancient rhyme
That bends the light against the shine
Like setting sun upon a swell
To stave off melancholy's yell


The stories of a coastal life once told to me
Come flowing back upon a reverie
'long blistering shores of sprawling northern lake.
Fond memories I never will forsake.

A gentle breeze, though salty not it be,
Brings whispers of that past comradery,
Where anecdotes of distant youth abound
Of joyful times with closest friends around.

The white sails spike up through the steely hue,
As pricks of sentiment such daydreams oft imbue.
And I, reposed on sultry grain-ed beach,
Am jarred from thought by memories of our breach.

Reverie 2

As couples walk and children play
The waves a gentle, easy sway
The beach the same, my thoughts are too
And all I do is think of you

The closest heat I get to passion
Is sweltering clime of this same fashion
Relief from it that never dawns
Tethered strongly to your bonds

Oh when will sweet release arrive
To loose its grip and me revive
This agony must surely end
And with it our connection mend

Rare Sighting

The slow approach to autumn’s chill
Finds me deliberating still
The glide to humid midday lull
And morning’s edifying cull

Amid the haze of white and gray
Rare sighting to which thought does stray
In contemplation’s scope I’m held
Of needing life's essential meld


Reminders of what used to be
Away with thought do carry me
And safely written by to keep
To treasure when I want to weep
They once existed, yes they did
Despite your wont to keep them hid
But I know that they did indeed
No matter if you have their need