Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't underestimate this young woman.

Last fall (I think it was), I saw an interview with Taylor Swift on one of the evening news programs. I don't recall if it was 60 Minutes or 20/20, but something like that. Until seeing that interview I just thought she was another teenie-bopper trying to make it big. I did not realize how dedicated, disciplined and savvy this young woman is. She not only writes her own songs, but she (much in the fashion of Michael Jackson) has her hands on every part of the process to bring her work on tour. I am amazed at her entreprenurial knowledge and the sound decisions she seems to make in the production and dissemination of her work. This woman, for her capabilities have long since pulled her from girlhood, has taken her life's dream and made it a complete reality for herself, with, of course, overwhelming support from her family. No matter if you enjoy her songs or not, you have to acknowledge the credit due Ms. Swift for her extreme commitment to see her dream through to reality. She is a rare find among today's youth, in my opinion.

I happen to enjoy many of her songs, and this one is one of my favorites. It's adorable and so is she.

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