Sunday, December 27, 2009

Some old pictures

Hi All!

I tried to load these on Facebook, but it wouldn't recognize the file they were in and I couldn't figure out another way around it. I don't think I have posted these before. If I have, then they are for those who haven't seen them yet.

Love to All

Tim, Me and Les

Mom and Dad

Aunt Bonnie (Bleil) Hall and Grandma Beth (Atwell) Bleil

Aunt Bonnie and Aunt Jeanne (Bleil) Russell


Dad, Mom, Grandpa Leslie Fowler, Nana (Hey, I have NO clue what her first name was! Can anyone help?)

Rick, Grandpa, Chris, Mike, Nana, Debbie, Art Jr (Did I get it right?)


Mom and her friend Bobbi (so says the back of the picture)


debbie said...


In the group picture, you have it all right! Also, Nana's name was Josephine. I may have some other photos that I can upload...just have to sit still long enough to do it.

I have one of you with your Lily Tomlin glasses on...and Deagle

Unknown said...

Love the pictures. You look alot like your mom. I laughed at the Nana comment because it reminded me that when I was little I didn't understand that "Nana" (my dad's mother) was my grandmother too, in my 5yr old mind only "Grandma" (my mom's mother) was my grandmother.

Michele Maddix said...

Leigh, that is funny. I don't really remember either of my grandmothers or my maternal grandfather.

Debbie, I don't remember the that picture...can't wait to see it though! :) (Leigh, Deagle was a dog we had part dachsund, part beagle...hence, the very creative name.)