Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lunch with a friend

This past week I met up with a friend in Albany who I had not seen since my undergraduate graduation back in 2005. We had been trying to plan to meet down there ever since that May, but for one reason or another our schedules didn't coincide until this week. Randi Murphy-Motley (though she might have dropped the "-Motley" as a result of her divorce last year) wanted to take me to a Chinese food place called PF Chang's at Colonie Center on Wolf Road. What more could a person ask for but good company and good food? For those of you who know her, and those who don't, I thought I would share the below picture the very flirtatious waiter took of us. His attentiveness in waiting on us earned him a good tip, and the flirting didn't hurt either. Over all it was great to see Randi again and catch up on what has gone on in each other's lives since 2005. She has graciously invited me to stay at her home on a visit to Buffalo I will plan at some point in the future. I would like to take Al and Chantelle to see Niagara Falls and to Marineland while out there. Hmm...sounds like travel plans for next summer!

(it's not the greatest shot of me...i've had better, but an excellent picture of the lovely Randi, in my opinion.)

p.s. Mary, Randi says "hi". I forgot to mention that at breakfast this morning.

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