Thursday, December 4, 2008

My little conehead

My poor cat, Annabelle (aka The Fuzz), underwent surgery to be spayed and to have her front paws declawed back on Nov. 24th. For the first few days I had to hand feed her and give her water from a plastic oral medicine syringe. Well, I didn't HAVE to, but I felt so badly for her, since she was hurting on both ends. And the cone has to stay on a few more days.

Although I feel sorry for the poor baby, I do think it is rather funny the way she walks. She reminds me of the cartoon I once saw, and darned if I can remember where. I think it may have been in a Dr. Seuss book or in a Dr. Seuss cartoon on tv. I remember this character having an animal's head with a mane in the shape of a flower (like a cartoon flower with a round center and large round-edged petals), the body and tail of a lion, the front feet (I want to say) were like duck feet or bird talons and the back feet were long and cumbersome and dragon-like. I think there is some sort of mythical animal similar to that, a conglomeration of other animals. Or maybe it was just a Dr. Seuss creation. I know it isn't a griffon, but I don't know what it is. Anyway, when the cartoon one moved it walked really funny and when The Fuzz walks in her current state it reminds me of that character. See for yourselves. It's kind of comical.


Anonymous said...

Looks like some ancient water torture device!!! :)

An Inverted Conehead!

Michele Maddix said...

She's a riot with it on. Shame on me for laughing at her discomfort! LOL