Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Rondacks fair

The following 5 pictures are of Pok-o-moonshine Mountain in the Adirondacks, which I pass on my way to and from Albany each week. It is my favorite spot along that route, especially on the way back home, since it tells me I have about 15-20 minutes left until I make it home. It is so welcoming a sight that I was inspired to write a poem about it, which follows the pictures below. The mountain and its foothills are the most pretty in Fall and it was falltime a few years ago when I conceived the idea for these lines of verse. Although these pictures were taken on the way down to Albany a few weeks ago, it is the return trip which offers the most breathtaking view because, as you are coming north and down from the eastern and northern foothills of the mountain along the bald face of the cliffs, you get to see the entire expanse of Butternut Pond (a view much more beautiful than what my picture of it offers). (I understand that Baldface Mountain is another name for Poko, at least that's what the map at work shows.) So the pictures below are the views as seen in order from the southernmost edge of the cliffs to the northernmost view of the pond. Tell me it is not awe-inspiring!

Passing Pok-o-moonshine

My guidepost in the Rondacks fair
lead me home again
along the gray and winding path
through dale and hill and glen.

A loving friend lay at your knee
mirroring your form.
Chaste Butternut, her surface calm,
beneath the brewing storm.

You gaze at her, with chiseled look.
Stern, your countenance.
But soften as you see in her
your rigid governance.

She is your one and only love
biding all the while.
Beneath the falling autumn leaves,
she'll win your every trial.

The two shall never cease to be
companions e'ermore.
For who can quell what's in your souls
which none hath heretofore?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Something to celebrate this Fall

The friends I stay with down in Troy when I am down in the Albany Capitol Region for school are Dan and Laurel. They have been super friends to me and have afforded me a place to sleep free of charge on the nights I have to stay down there for class. I cannot begin to offer them a sufficient amount of thanks. God has truly blessed me by putting them in my life.

This past Wednesday when I went down, I first went to their house to leave my belongings before going to class so that I wouldn't have to do it afterward. Dan was there and told me that the previous night he had proposed to Laurel. He came up with a very creative and, in my opinion, very romantic way of asking her. Nice to know that romance is still alive and well out there. And here it is:

Laurel loves pumpkins and Dan certainly used that to an advantage, I'd say. They are such nice people and a nice couple and I am very fortunate to have them in my life. I wish them much, much happiness!

And here is a pic of the couple with Dan's creative proposal...

Well, I tried to load that picture, but it would not load. So you'll just have to wait to see Dan and Laurel, I guess.

Autumn in NY 2

On the way to Vermont a week ago today I took some pictures of the lake and the surrounding foliage and wanted to share them. It was a very sunny, mild day and some of the pics came count really well.

This is one of 3 trees that are in the front yard of the house I used to own with Jon at 35 Macey Lane. I took this last Sunday, and by yesterday, almost all the leaves were off of it. They are so pretty in the fall. Each of them is a different variety of maple. I used to love raking them in fall and hear them rustle as I walk through them. I still love that sound and whenever I have a chance to walk through a bunch of fallen leaves I take it...the big kid in me!

Lake Champlain Ferry dock on Vermont side. I thought the Green Mountains in the background were neat.

I wasn't trying for this picture but when I loaded it on my computer I saw how beautiful it was. Isn't it gorgeous?

The Adirondacks in the background and Clinton Community College left side of picture (beige building, red roof)

Close up of Clinton Community College (not really clear, but passable) and the various shades of the mountains in the background are really cool.

New York side of lake. On the peninsula you see on the right there is an historic light house to the right of the second house in from the end of the peninsula. I hadn't noticed it was in the pic until after having loaded in on the computer.

I am pretty sure this is of the VT side and the Green Mountains

NY side. CCC in the center.

Just some foliage on the peninsula

The Vermont, one of the Lake Champlain ferries. I just thought it was a nice clear, centered picture.

I liked how cleary you can see this little dude.

Yet another unplanned, but cool pic of the sun above/on the lake

Canada Geese. This time of year you can also see large flocks of Snow Geese. It is funny because when they are lying in a corn field or on the surface of a body of water they look like plastic grocery bags from a distance lying there. I'll try to get a picture of them.

Before going over to VT, since Al's orthodontist appt was pretty early, we stopped at McDonald's for breakfast and here's some video of the lakeshore area behind it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Autumn in New York

Here are some pictures of the foliage in the North Country. When I drove up toward that direction it was pretty sunny, but by the time I got there (only 1/2 hr away), it was cloudy. I will try to get some more, on a prettier day. Enjoy

Here's Frank Sinatra to give you some listening pleasure while you look at the photos.

Autumn In New York - Frank Sinatra

Taken from the Narrows Bridge over the Narrows between Upper and Lower Chateaugay Lakes (Town of Ellenburg, NY)

Boat Launch at Upper Chateaugay Lake (Town of Dannemora, NY)

Lyon Mountain, NY

Chazy Lake (in the Town of Dannemora, NY) and its environs