Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Walking with Wolves

Hi All! Here some of my better shots from Sunday's trip to Wales area...it was a beautiful place to visit; not sure if my photos do it justice! I had a lot of fun hiking, feeding the wolves and seeing the wildlife there. It's a place that takes in wolves that have been held in captivity but were no longer wanted. So he lets them live out their lives in an environment closer to a natural setting. They were all magnificant animals.



Anonymous said...

There were 3 enclosures...all had plenty of roaming room; and another one where the deer were. They rotate them around so the wolves will have different experiences. The man that ran the place said one the wolves, never really exposed to running water, laid in a little stream they had and it just let the water run over it...wasn't really sure what to make of it. It's getting use to the water now. I really enjoyed the adventure and hiking again in the woods.

Michele Maddix said...

oh wow! those are really neat pictures Deb. Alex will love this. He likes wolves. I even did a cross stitch of a wolf for his bedroom wall when he was really little. He still has it on his wall.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mic...it was a really fun experience. When I was visiting Keith in Montana a few years back we saw a white wolf on the side of one of the mountains (along with some mountain sheep). We also had a huge brown bear walk right in front of his car...it must have
weighed around 350 lbs. It was huge! That was a beautiful area (Rockies/Glacier Park) and you really see how tiny you are in this world when you see the magnificient rockies. We also saw Elk. I really enjoyed my visit with Keith in Montana.

When you all come to visit I'll see what tours are available. ...I'll let you know what I find out.

Take care,

Michele Maddix said...

ok. sounds good. I never knew you went to visit Keith in Montana.

Anonymous said...

If I can find some of the photos I took in Montana I'll scan and post them...it really was beautiful there...

Michele Maddix said...

cool! would love to see 'em.