Monday, February 11, 2008

Norwich "Habitat"

Hi Mic,

I went to Norwich a little while back with a friend and we saw this neat shot...I just think it says a lot so I thought you'd get a kick out of this...


Michele Maddix said...

that made me laugh. i love it. can't get any closer to the definition of "habitat" than that. "And here we see the pigeons in their natural habitat..or is that ON their natural habitat" ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. The learning curve for my new job as a payroll/fixed asset accountant has been pretty steep, and it's still pretty intense for me with each month-end closing. (February will be my second; January's was not pretty but we survived it!) Anyway, I do enjoy the job and work with nice people...none of whom are felons!

Deb -

The photos have been great, and I've been envious of your travels. With "The Nathanator" due to arrive on May 12 (by way of scheduled C-section), we won't be going on any trips for awhile. Right now, we're looking at a late summer stay at the Grand Okanogan lodge in British Columbia...about a six hour drive from here. (Should be a real hoot with a 3-year old and a 4-month old!)

On another note, Natelle and Kris probably think I've fallen off the face of the earth or given up caring about them. They've both sent notes and emails which I never replied to. It wasn't that I didn't want to; things just kept cropping up and then months had passed before I realized it. Please convey my regrets to them and tell them I will be in touch again!

Mic -

Don't worry about making lengthy posts to the blog; it will tag along just fine. There are at least two of us left who are motivated to keep it alive; for me, it's just a question of making the time to do it. (I always feel a bit crummy when 3+ weeks have gone by and I haven't even commented on someone else's posting, but I guess we do what we can.)

Tracy and Brendon are fine, and our life is actually very fun. Lots of laughs and an increasing number of well-planned naps...the latter must have something to do with the weather! Couldn't possibly be anything to do with having blown past my 46th birthday!!!

Well, gotta run for now. Take care and keep the blog torch lit. Every little comment keeps it alive and interesting; doesn't have to be lengthy or even insightful to be appreciated. Even though I haven't been very good lately at posting anything, I do check it quite regularly and have found it very encouraging and fun to hear what you guys have to say.

Love to all!

Keith, Tracy, Brendon and the "Perfectly Normal Fussy Screaming Kicking Pouting Whining and Generally Inconsolable Child We are Not In the Least Prepared For."

Michele Maddix said...


Good to see you comment. I can imagine how busy you are with that new job and all. Comment when you can. Like you said, it all helps to keep it going.