Friday, February 8, 2008

Natelle and Friends

Here's my beautiful older daughter and Dustin and Kalysta...


Anonymous said...

Natelle and Dustin visited me last year in May...this photo was in London in Trafalgar Square...we are all planning a trip to Ireland this year.

Take care...Debbie

Michele Maddix said...

Who is Kalysta? She's cute.

Nice pictures of your young ladies.

Hey, do they look at the blog too? Hope so.

Hi Telle. Hi Kris. Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Kalysta is Dustin's little one...actually she's 4 now, I believe. I know the girls look at the blog...Kristen sent me those photos in case I wanted to post them. I'll shoot them an e-mail to make sure they know how to add a comment or two.

Take care! Love

Michele Maddix said...

Yeah, some of those same photos you had sent me but I couldn't get them to load. I still don't know why.
So, I am glad you were able to get them on. That would be great if they want to write on here too.