Sunday, February 3, 2008

It crept up on me.

Hi All!

Well as it turns out, I will be graduating with my master's (God willing) in December of 2008 and not May 2009. Good and bad. Somehow I let it creep up on me and must bury myself in my books for the remainder of this year in preparation for the comprehensive exams I must take this coming October and pass in order to have the Master's degree conferred on me. No small task, given that they are, respectively 6 and 4 hours in length. The first of which will be in my primary area of study (i.e. Latin American Literature), the second in my secondary area of study (i.e. Spanish Peninsular Literature).

So, I am neglectful with this blog as a result because I also have my coursework in progress to complete. I will try to contribute whenever I can find a free moment, but the contributions on my part may be sparse for a few months.

I have, additionally, been offered the opportunity to teach with a professor/friend of mine at Plattsburgh State. It will give me the chance to get my feet wet at the front of a Spanish language classroom, which is something I have yet to experience in depth. I am thrilled because, being a part-time student due to work and having to commute to Albany for class I was missing out on the experience that my peers in the same program at Albany have as full-time students with teaching assistantships. They start teaching the same semester they enter the program and therefore many of them have been teaching for a few semesters already. I am still having to work out the details in order to do this, but I will keep you all posted on it.

Take care for now

Love to all


Anonymous said...

Well,that is good news but I'm sure your time will be locked up. Since very few of the family members have been interested in posting things, it might be a good time to let this one go. There's always e-mail.

Take care and best of luck with all.


Michele Maddix said...

Hmm, yeah, that's a shame. I wish more had taken time to at least comment. Oh well. I thank you for all you have contributed. I will post occasionally still, just when I can. It kind of gives me a bit of break from the books. I'd like to put more pics and videos on, but those take a little longer to include. So check back now and then and post whenever you like. I will check here often.

I think of it more of a hiatus. Maybe we can get others to come eventually. I haven't really tried myself. I have left it up to karen and Keith and you to spread the word, and I should be more proactive in that.

Besides I hate to give it up if Aunt Jeanne's just going to start coming.

What I didn't convey in this last post was that it was my lack of attention that allowed the tests to creep up on me.

I know I must seem contradictory, huh?

Anonymous said...


Life happens...things creep up on us all the time or catch us off guard. I'm all for keeping the blog going because I have many more adventures coming my way...going the opera in a couple of weeks to see Madame Butterfly; the weekend after that going to "walk with the wolves"--wild ones...I'll definitely have photos from, as long as you're still interested, I'll still be checking it out and posting I'll be going to Romney Marsh in the near, more to come. Hopefully others will get inspired to join in at sometime...I just didn't want you to keep it going just for me, if that's what you were thinking...although I do love it. If you haven't already, I'm sure Aunt Jeanne would love to know how to post to it...if you don't have time just let me know and I'll get in touch with her.

Take care and love ya!

Also, I work out the Paris details and let you know what we can do with that (I'll join you...if the costs are okay for all of us).

See ya!!


Michele Maddix said...

I am glad you like this. And if it is just us to, that's ok. But it is kinda fun and, although I am busy, it is a good getaway for me. I enjoy it too. And I look forward to seeing new stuff from you and hearing about your adventures

As for Aunt Jeanne, I did send her the access information, but she might need some help with the mechanics. She certainly seems interested in it.

I did check the two airlines from over there you emailed me. They didn't seem to have ANY flights to Paris. So I looked at Air France and they have flights. For kicks I looked up fares for 3 adults and a youth/child and i thought them reasonable...that is, if I was reading them correctly. I came up with 401 British pounds round trip total. Obviously in US currency that is double right now. But if we stay a couple of days it wouldn't be all that bad. Just an idea you can throw into the mix of whatever it is you are figuring out.

Also I talked to the guy at work, whose wife went with Les and the kids last summer. She said there are lots of choices on tour guides just by looking online for Paris tour guides. I haven't tried it yet though. Just another idea.

Can't wait to hear what you find out too.

I love you too.