Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I just LOVE YouTube

Fire up the old clamshell record player Keith!!


Anonymous said...

Boy!!! Did that bring back memories! I always liked that song and even today find myself singing along...there were a lot of good, healthy songs back then! And what a presentation! I'm gonna have to look to see if the song I'm looking for is out there. If I find it I'll post it.

Thanks for taking the time to find it Michele! Take care,


Michele Maddix said...

No problem. My pleasure.

Incidentally what are the words that you do know of that song you're looking? Who knows, maybe I know it.

Anonymous said...

Parts of the song are (refrain) "Hi De Ho Princess you're a big girl now so act that way...." and princess, do you think you'll ever make it down from the palace walls/do you think you'll make it away from the palace halls, come with me where the air is clear..

I thought it might be titled "Hi De Ho Princess" but I didn't find anything...one day I'll stumble on it.

Michele Maddix said...

yeah, that is a tough one. i did a couple of searches just now on some of the phrases in the words you wrote, but I didn't find anything close to it either.

what genre is it? or what year (roughly) do you recall hearing it in? and, forgive this pc incorrectness here, but did you get the sense the singers were black or white (or something different)? there's no good way to ask that i suppose. but truthfully you can often tell by the voice.

Michele Maddix said...

the "hi de ho" reminded me of Mr. Hanky from South Park. though he says "howdy ho" it sounds like "hi de ho". i chuckled when i first read those lyrics, because it reminded me of him. there's clips on YouTube if you've never seen him. Sick humor, is the best I can describe it.

Anonymous said...


How cool is that! I've taught Tracy that song and just now was the first time she heard it sung from anyone other than me!

You found that on YouTube, Mic? I figured you had a copy of it and jsut videotaped it.

I've got one I've been trying to find, too:

"Lazy love, you're drivin' me crazy with your lazy love/.../lazy love, my lazy love...

Refrain: "Do you want me? Say you want me./..../....

"Lazy love, you're drivin' me crazy with your lazy love/.../lazy love, my lazy love...

I seem to remember it from Plattsburgh...probably 1970 or '71.

Any ideas?

Michele Maddix said...

Yep, that's a YouTube find, Keith. I've been pleasantly surprised to find many songs on there I hadn't heard in years.

Interesting song. I'd like to hear that song, as well as the one Deb's looking for, if you ever find it.

The one thing about YouTube, it that it is difficult to find a song if you don't know the title.

Keep looking, it may turn up one day.

Michele Maddix said...

I hoped you liked the tune, Tracy. and I hope you're feeling well. Just a couple of months left until the little guy arrives. Can't wait to see pictures of him!

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

I always loved that song...such a happy go lucky tune! Well tomorrow I'm off to the wolves...won't be back until late but I will post some photos early in the week. The following week I"m off to Germany (Ramstein AB) for training...first time in Germany! I'll take photos, if I get chance...I'm really excited.

Hope all are well! Talk to you soon!

Keith I'll do a little research to see if I can find that song...will let you know.

Anonymous said...


Forgot to congratulate you on your practicum...how long is that for, the semester? A lot of work but you'll get through in I'm sure.

Take care,

Michele Maddix said...

yes, the semester.

have a good visit with the wolves and can't wait to see the pics

Michele Maddix said...


and thanks!

Cool about Germany. I'd be excited too. You are really getting experience so many new things, Deb. That is wonderful Hope you get a chance to get some sight seeing in while in Germany.

Caddington Village School said...
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Brian D said...

I got here by typing "Hi De Ho Princess you're a big girl now so act that way" into Google - I realise this thread is 4 years old but I'm curious if anyone discovered who the artist was.

Unknown said...

I found "Hi De Ho Princess after looking for it off and on since 1975.
the trick was it's "Heighdy Ho Princess" by the Neon Philharmonic.
You can hear the whole song at
Heighdy-Ho Princess single A-side,1970
