Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Keep me From a tangle

The doubt creeps in at every turn
And catches me unaware
A constant fight on every front
Must be diligent, beware

That Luc, he is a sneaky bloke
To twist and turn ev’ry thought
He wreaks havoc left and right
Don’t care for him, not a jot

My Love, My God you keep me right
Along the straight and narrow
What would I do without you both?
It scares me to my marrow

When one’s not there, the other is
To watch me on my journeys
Their reasoning both sound and true
The most adept attorneys

It does me good to know they have
My back from ev’ry angle
When Satan plays his dirty tricks
They’ll keep me from a tangle

How to thank this wondrous duo
To begin I don’t know how
I love them both, they surely know
From past to future and now

Borges Knows Him Better

Borges knows him better
than I’ll ever have the chance
the most I ever get
is a passing look askance

JL doesn’t know
what a lucky guy he is
This dead and famous poet
a favorite of his

Would that I were Jorge
his attention I would own
I wouldn’t have a future
to look forward to alone

But the best that I can do
is to read the same as him
Yet my heart, it is not in it
It is just a passing whim

My heart is held in stasis
No book can start the flow
of the pulsing and the beating
It’s received a deadly blow

Can it be revived?  Not sure
JLB alone won’t do
There’s something more that’s needed
that can only come from you