Thursday, June 14, 2012


So, I took my walk on the Saranac River Walk today.  This time I did the whole thing (what is finished of it so far, that is).  I walked from the entrance on George Angell Drive all the way to Pine Street.  Rather than double back the exact way I came, since by that time my right Achilles was starting to ache, I decided to walk up the rest of Pine to Battery to South Catherine and turn back toward the other end of Pine, across from Stelzer (where Stewart's is) and pick the path up again there in order to save myself a few extra steps. 

All was going wonderfully as I approached the corner of Stelzer to take a right on the path.  I didn't notice the raised flower bed butted up against the sidewalk that I was about to turn the corner of and I tripped over the bed.  The cycle of the traffic light was just at the point where the traffic north and southbound had just come to a stop and the east and westbound had not yet started going.  My iPod went flying and the earplugs got yanked out of my ears as it did.  Luckily I caught myself with my right foot, the same one I had just stubbed on the raised bed.  I had a full audience at the traffic light.  All I could do was burst out laughing, knowing that everyone at the light had just seen the whole graceful spectacle that was me.  Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. :)