Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day in Burlington

About a month ago I went with two and "a half" friends (you'll see) to Burlington. I have no idea why I didn't take more pictures than those I did, but below are the nicest of the lot. We had gone over to see one of my friend's sons, who is a political activist in that area and was celebrating Earth Day with a protest of Lockheed Martin in front of the Peace and Justice center at the corner of College and Lake Sts, next to the Skinny Pancake. Here is a link to an article written for the New York Times about it. (Her son is playing the guitar.)


We visited the Peace and Justice Center's shop that has a wonderful assortment of goods made with recycled materials (like necklaces made out of beads made from long thin strips of colored paper and given a shiny varnish, and a wall clock whose face was made entirely out of rolled and coiled old newspaper). They also promote goods made by women in countries where they are oppressed (take your pick there are several). There some of the most unique gifts there, if ever you find yourself in the area. (It is a block east of the Echo Lake Aquarium.)

We had lunch at the Skinny Pancake (aka a crepe), which I thought to be a bit on the pricey side for what you were served, but nevertheless quite tasty. I had a crepe filled with mushrooms and chicken and assorted other vegies. I would go again; it was sufficiently tasty to.

Here are the photos.

I think this was in Battery Park, though I'd have to check on that. I thought it looked interesting.

My friends Mary Lou Leavitt and Nancy Crouse. It is Mary Lou's son pictured in the Times article.

I thought this was whimsical. Hope he had a relaxing rest.

My "half" friend Mateo Crouse. He normally has such a sober and contemplative disposition, but that day he was full of smiles.

This picture makes me laugh. The bigger the smile, the more he squints. lol

I think Mary Lou took a picture of me and Nancy, but I don't have it. If i get it, I'll include it in this post.