Sunday, April 17, 2011

Literacy Volunteers Annual Recognition Ceremony

Every year LV recognizes the efforts of all of their staff, tutors, benefactors and students. They gave out certificates of recognition and flowers to those they were recognizing.

Here is a photo of my student, Diana Wilson, and me. I am extremely proud of all the hard work she puts in and very greatful to have one of the best experiences in my life working with her.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A matter of taste

Well, the diagnosis of prediabetes last summer is turning out to be quite the impetus for change in my life. I expect to have regained some semblance of a figure by the time the height of the summer hits, or at least close to it. I haven't seen my real figure in years. So, it is exciting to me to think that lies ahead. Not so much for the vanity aspect of it as the satisfaction of accomplishing a goal that seemed so remote to me. That diagnosis has really made me begin to think more about taking care of myself first, then others after. Being healthy will only enable me to be more helpful to others, in my opinion.

Anyway, besides seeing what limits I can push my physical exertion to, I love the fact that concentrating on eating right has made me expand my selection of foods, primarily fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It seems to me there is a fallacy being perpetuated about eating right. If you eat the right foods, IN THE RIGHT PORTION SIZES, your food supply seems to last longer. And, if, rather than spending your food money on junk foods, you spend on buying fresh produce and whole grains, you'll see that the ability to eat healthy is not as hard on the budget as you have been led to believe. Well, let me qualify that. Of course the fruits and vegetables (as well as dairy products), must used in a timely manner. They are not preserved like process foods, so cannot last for months. But if you are eating the servings you are supposed to, you can easily stretch your produce purchase pretty far throughout a week or more and just have to buy more fresh produce each week or 2 (like you do milk). Keep in mind that of course it will be more costly to eat well if you are still buying the snacky-dings as well as the stuff you should be buying. Of course, don't give up all your favorites, but cut back considerably. You won't succeed if you deprive yourself all the time of some of the things you've loved eating in the past. Try to have them less often and in more reasonable portion sizes.

I am very fortunate to have a palette that is not difficult to satisfy. It, like my personality, enjoys diversity. So, keeping within my budget, I am making an effort to buy edibles that I would not have bothered with in the past. For instance, during my last grocery store visit, I bought mangos on sale. I have never had fresh mango (dried, yes, but never fresh). I had no idea that the inside of it had a pit, called a stone, or how to prepare it in order to eat it. But, thanks to the internet, I quickly found a short video on that very topic. I also bought 2 swordfish steaks. I always thought that was too pricey for me to consider, until I actually looked at it. Of course, it was on sale and the price was between $4-$5 for a steak that was just over a 1/2 lb from that 8+ ounce steak I could get 2 servings (4oz each; one for lunch, one for dinner). I thought that was a pretty good deal. So, today I am grilling swordfish, which I have also never had before, for lunch here at work. Finally, some time ago I had begun reading articles about quinoa (it is a small seed, but it is included in the grains category of the food pyramid, and is used for side dishes or vegetarian main dishes) and the benefits of eating it (low in fat, very high in fiber). I prepared that this morning before coming to work and steamed some frozen mixed vegies to add to it and get some of my vegies in for the day. It was very easy to cook and cooks in about half the amount of time (roughly) that white rice does. When it is done it has a very slight crunch to it and a nice, subtle nutty flavor. Mine also has a chicken flavor because I cooked it in low fat chicken broth rather than just water. I taste-tested it before putting some in a container for work and it is delicious. It is also my very first time having it.

My next epicurean adventure I think will include artichokes.


so the swordfish was good, the quinoa very tasty and the mango scrumptious.