Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Donning the scrubs

The tv series Scrubs was recently added to Netflix's choice programs you can watch on instant play. I used to occasionally watch the show when my kids were watching it but hadn't seen most of the series. But now I can watch it start to finish and am nearly done the first season already.

I have to say that THE BEST character on there is Dr Perry Cox. He is a riot! He does these rants on the intern doctors that are the most hilarious part of the show. He is the only character on there that makes me laugh out loud to the point (on several occasions) that I have had to pause the show to stop laughing so I can finish hearing the rest of his rant. Below is just a sample of them, but I disagree that those selected in this video are the best in that part of the series. Nonetheless they are humorous and worth sharing.

This video seems to have a better selection of them