Thursday, October 21, 2010

What WAS I thinking?

I found these little treasures while sifting through old work files. Now I know why I left them there so long.

Man, am I glad THOSE went out of style! I think I must have seen one too many episodes of the Sally Jessie Rafael Show. Too funny! At least I am not the only one looking like a geek for the sake of "fashion". hahaha.

February 1994. Albany, at the AcademyI think I am blinking, but you can't really tell with the glare from the lenses on my glasses. My friend Kathy is to my immediate right. (And, no, I was not a recipient of any Governor's Excelsior Award.)

Don't know when this was taken or why, but it had to be within a couple of years before or after the above one, since the glasses and the sweater are the same. I am thinking it was before, because I am thinner and don't have the weight I had gained from having Alex in it like I do in the top picture. Taken in Ray Brook. Gotta love the lettering on the building. It looks like something out of a Dudley Doright cartoon!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Anti DWI material

While taking a walk today, one of the streets I meandered down as Lafayette Street. There I came across the below Halloween decorations adorning a yard. I laughed out loud and thought it ought to be on a poster for some anti-dwi campaign. The whole front lawn had stuff on it like this with wine bottles strewn all over.