Thursday, January 28, 2010


Have you all seen the YouTube video of the Filipino prisoners' version of the Michael Jackson video "Thriller", complete with a male prisoner playing the part of the girlfriend? I, like many other people, watched it when it was first posted to YouTube and there have reportedly been over 10 million views of that video. I loved the fact that it was solely created by the prisoners themselves.

Here is their performance:

Now, there is a new video with these prisoners, but like many other good things it has been adulterated by making it more commercialized. The three front dancers are professionals: Travis Payne (MJ's choreographer) and two other dancers. To me, it takes away from the home-grown feel of the video to have professionals as the persons seen in the foreground for the majority of the performance. However, it does have a few of redeeming qualities and it is worth watching. First, the clarity of the video is better. Second, the choice of songs for a prison setting is, I think, EXCELLENT. Third, the peace sign and the matching tshirts were nice touches. (I hope they got to keep the tshirts the were given.)

Take a look:

Off to buy "This Is It"...cannot wait to see it!