Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here's the latest

Well, it's been awhile since I've updated you on my here we go. In early Nov I went once again to London to view the Lord Mayor's parade. It was a rainy London day but we made it through and enjoyed the event. After that we went to high tea at Marriot (I think) was truly wonderful and we had nice view of the River Thames and Big Ben. We stayed for the evening fireworks and then headed back by train to Littleport.

My next adventure was to visit Elveden for my Christmas tree on the 13th of Dec. This place is so cool. You have a large assortment of trees to choose from and if you'd like you can have the Newfoundlands bring your tree to your car...I didn't opt for that but did take some photos of the beautiful animals. Also, they have a wonderful cluster of shops from gifts to foods to wines...I love walking through there each year and the thrill of finally having a real tree after so many years of not having one is something I enjoy each time.

In early January a friend of mine was retuurning to the States so as a fond farewell a few of us went to the Duchess Theatre to see "Buddy" (the Buddy Holly Story)--check out the site: There were two actors playing the part...we saw the version with Matthew Wycliffe...he was wonderful and certainly looked and played the part. It was a fun event. Afterwards we had a nice Italian dinner. You can never not have a good time in London.

My last excursion was on a pottery trip to Stoke-on-Trent...went to the Spode, Wedgewood and Permerion factory outlets...of course I had to buy a few things. Definitely an industrial area and you can see the town is closing down along with many of the outlets. I've seen nicer locations.

My next trip will be to Dover Castle (I hope)...I'll post again. Hope all is well. Oh yeah...the cat was just a visitor at the train station and I took the photo because I could...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Buddy Holly Show

Hi Mic and any other family/friends who might be reading this...

Just wanted to bring you up to speed on my latest adventure...on 3 Jan a couple of my friends and I went to London (one of my favorite places) to see "Buddy" (the Buddy Holly Story)at the Duchess Theatre in was wonderful!! The young man who played Buddy was excellent and had a fantastic voice. Here's a synopsis of the show: "The story charts from Buddy Holly's rise to fame starting with his first record deal with Decca Records. After the release of Buddy's first hit That'll Be The Day , Buddy and his band rocket to fame and move to New York. This is where Buddy meets his wife Mariaa Elena Santiago, a Puerto Rican receptionist at his record publisher's office, who he marries after a courtship of five hours. Next, Buddy and his band split and he finds himself pursuing a solo career. He embarks on the 'Winter Dance Party' tour in 1959 and amazes the crowds with brilliant performances until his tragic death in an air accident a few months later. Buddy Holly's life and career is an amazing and inspirational journey and The Buddy Holly Story celebrates the passion, excitement and fun of his music."

Of course we took the train into London from Littleport. We first strolled around Convent Garden. After the show we had a very nice meal at a nice Italian restaurant. Looks like I'll be heading back for a couple more shows over the next months...Hamlet with Jude Law and a show (I can't remember the name) with Dame Judi Dench