Saturday, March 22, 2008

A bit of Spring

I wanted to share this little slice of Spring. These flowers I got were just too pretty not to post a picture of them. They are so colorful, huh?

I had to come up for some air for a moment from all I have going on. Yesterday began Spring Break from my courses, and I have been needing desperately to relax for a bit. So, yesterday, my friend Kathy came over after work to spent the rest of yesterday with me. With school and work, I so rarely get free time to spend with my friends. Although they understand my busy schedule, I feel like I neglect them. So, I have to reconnect with them from time to time. First, we went to a local flea market. We love browsing those. And this one you could spend a week in and not see everything. They have some really neat old stuff there (among the mountains of junk). We then went for chinese food, a favorite of ours. And to top it off we went to see the movie Meet the Browns with Angela Bassett. Nice chick-flick! I laughed, I cried, I pigged out on theatre popcorn. We had a thoroughly great time.

It was a much needed momentary reprieve from the Everest-sized pile of work I have in front of me on this break. It was a reprieve from that frantic feeling of having deadlines to meet, and not having enough time (or so it chronically seems) to meet them.

With Easter upon us tomorrow, I thought the flowers would add a bit of holiday festivity. And to bolster the festivity, here is a pic I received in an email entitled: The Ultimate Peep Show. I got a kick out of it. Hope it makes you laugh.

Happy Easter, All

I love you.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Back from Germany

Hi All,

Well, I just came back from my trip to Germany. Didn't really get a chance to tour the area but was able to taste the schnitzel and German beer! Not a bad combination. I will have to get back there to just spend time exploring.

On another note, I just recently heard from Aunt Jeanne and it appears a cousin of hers(and Mom's), and his family, lives over here in Scotland and his son's daughter is actually performing in a play in London. I'm going to contact them all and plan to visit the Scotland clan and also catch the play...I'm not sure how we're related but we are somehow I believe...right now thinking about it hurts my head. The play she's in is Major Major Barbara Opened in London's National March 4. I'll let you know when I hear back from them.

Well take care. Let me know what's being going on.

Love to all, Debbie

Back from Germany

Hi All,

Well, I just came back from my trip to Germany. Didn't really get a chance to tour the area but was able to taste the schnitzel and German beer! Not a bad combination. I will have to get back there to just spend time exploring.

However, I just recently heard from Aunt Jeanne and it appears a cousin of hers (and Mom's)and his family lives over here in Scotland and his son's daughter is actually performing in a play in London. I'm going to contact them all and plan to visit the Scotland clan and also catch the play...I'm not sure how we're related but we are somehow...right now thinking about it hurts my head. The play she's in is Major