Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024

How tweet!

 I found an old mini blind at a yard sale to fit my kitchen window.  The window faces west and gets blaring heat from the western sun in the afternoons. So I decided to make my own Roman shade using the mini blind. And look how cute it turned out! 

The light quality is poor in the photo 
 But it didn't matter if I had the flag on or not, or the kitchen lights on or not.  I think what I will do differ the next time I make one is to use a white fabric to line the back. That way the colors will pop better and you will not see the slats so much. But overall, not bad for the first try. I'm pleased with it. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

My touch

 I saw this at a thrift store and, well, it kept screaming "Take me home!"

It was kind of plain Jane but I had an idea.

Now...that's more like me. 

And it looks even better in situ. But will have to load it later because it won't load.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Thus Preserved

Deep within the Word of God

I find my solace there

from all the disappointing lows

that weighed upon my care

He's lifted me from depths below

to where my hope did sink

and rescued me, my soul revived,

then pulled me from the brink

His restoration knows no bounds

He's engulfed me with a love

that was once out of reach to me

but now flows from above

O Wonderous Lord! How can I give

the thanks so well-deserved

for all the harm you've kept me from

well-loved and, thus, preserved

Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Greetings

A lovely older lady from my church sent me an Easter card out of the blue. Tucked inside were the clipped out saying on the left and a beautiful note on pretty stationary with the very words I needed to encourage me.

God must have whispered to her that I love pink roses. Even the postage stamp had some on it.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Gentle Cultivation

In dormancy it waits the day
of Spring in all its glory
away from danger of the frost
which lays upon it hoary

Oh Sunshine come to warm it through
and loose the new beginnings
Bear witness to its fortitude
and solid underpinnings

For laid beneath the hardened crust
there dwells a life that’s ready
to burst through rubble and the grit
to gardener’s hand that’s steady

And with some gentle cultivation
there’ll come a grateful bloom
forgetting all the bygone seasons
dispensing all the gloom

A life will blossom all anew
and bring its fruitful yearning
to show its full abundancy
that comes through patient learning

Once upon a winter's morn
they thought their fate was set
Until that time, their hearts enclosed
they hadn't dared to bet
'Twas not until they'd chanced to meet
they thought by hand divine
You thought that I would be your love
and I thought you'd be mine
But fate had other plans in store
a trick stuffed up its sleeve
A bond they'd shared so many years
was one that they'd both leave
What they thought was something strong
turned out to be quite weak
From here on out, divided, lone
the future seems so bleak
The cautionary lesson here 
is "Watch who gets your heart!"
For one who seems will love forever
will one day soon depart

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Til I Believed in You

One lonely night You came to me
with Your amazing grace
to still my heart and heal the ache
No need to see Your face

You've opened a new world to me
I never had yet seen
No proof did I require then
to know that You had been

You filled my world with what it lacked
I knew it instantly
No one will ever take your place
You're with me constantly

That I had felt an earthly love
could do what You can do
just shows how narrow was my thought
'Til I believed in You